MCS At Nanaska
Know Your Pre Seen (KYP)
A document that provides a comprehensive understanding to the given CIMA pre-seen case study material. It exhibits the pre-seen document in a user friendly and lively manner by breaking down the details, organizing the content, use of graphical illustrations such as images, charts and graphs, providing supplementary explanations, definitions and so on.
Industry Review (KYI)
A document that provides the basic understanding of the case study industry including clarification of technical matters, details of real world entities and stakeholders. It also includes case study related real world issues grouped under headings such as performance, financing, risks, acquisitions and mergers, human resources, technology, information technology, legal, CSR, ethics etc.
Deep Dive
The Deep Dive is an in-depth analysis of the given CIMA pre-seen case study material. Facts and figures given in the pre-seen case study are examined, analysed and critically evaluated in detail to convey a solid discussion. This document would also include links to varied theoretical areas, relations to the real world industry and real world companies and indications on possible tasks, issues, areas and scenarios that can come on the actual examinations.
Revision on Management Theory Knowledge
Revision on Management Level theory knowledge (E2 ,P2 & F2) would include a complete set of theory notes and audio podcasts. It will enable to refresh required theory knowledge needed for the exam, whilst being summarized to be able to be covered in the short time duration and it would also be comprehensive enough to cover all required areas for the case study exams. (Only available materials to revise).
2 Practice Mock & 4 Mocks with speedy Personal Feedback
We would give 2 practice mocks and 4 mocks to attempt and would provide detailed feedback so you know where you need to improve, and how to improve! The 2 practice mocks will be given for you to discuss with tutors and other students on the forum, to help you develop your depth of understanding for this paper and issues that can arise.
Special F2 Mock
A special Mock covering F2 area will be given for students along with the answer. This mock paper will provide possible F2 related questions and strengthen students’ knowledge on F2.
Ground Rules for Case Study
There are certain rules that need to be kept in your mind when answering the case study examination. Ground rules document summarizes them. The links between your answer and the marking scheme will be explained in depth. We need to demonstrate multiple skills in the exam and how should we demonstrate our skills, which skills to demonstrate will be discussed in our ground rules module. Ground rules also analyse past papers and guide you on how to develop a balanced answer in the exam. It gives you insight on which angles to think in order to arrive at a proper answer.
Core Activities
Your exam paper is set to cover, Core Activities that a finance professional carry out in his day today life. This is attempting to match such core activities to the case study.
Possible Issues relating to relevant Case Study
This set of documents briefs you on the possible issues that might appear on exam day. When you answer the issues in the exam, it is always better you have an understanding of the practical aspects of the issues. This document guides you on possible issues and practical solutions.
People’s and Leadership
People and Leadership skills are two new skills introduced in to CIMA case study examinations. Since these two are new areas to many students, a thorough understanding is required to score under these skills. People and Leadership skills document introduces what each skill means and how the student can demonstrate their people and leadership skills when answering their exams.